You can try introducing a cup between nine and 12 months:
Starting with a cup with two handles to help them hold it. Once they’re confident with this, introduce a cup with handle and eventually a beaker they need to hold with both hands
Filling the cup half way with thick drinks, e.g. smoothies, milkshakes and yoghurt drinks, to give them more time to practice their lip seal around the cup
Slowly helping them lift the cup to drink from. Once they’re confident, start giving them less and less help
Giving them a see through or tilted cup so they don’t have to tip their heads back as far
You can try introducing a cup between nine and 12 months:
Starting with a cup with two handles to help them hold it. Once they’re confident with this, introduce a cup with handle and eventually a beaker they need to hold with both hands
Filling the cup half way with thick drinks, e.g. smoothies, milkshakes and yoghurt drinks, to give them more time to practice their lip seal around the cup
Slowly helping them lift the cup to drink from. Once they’re confident, start giving them less and less help
Giving them a see through or tilted cup so they don’t have to tip their heads back as far